Mar 29, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

College of Education

The mission of Troy University’s College of Education is to prepare outstanding educators, who are equipped and prepared with the knowledge, pedagogical skills and professional dispositions required to improve the learning opportunities of those they teach. We also train and provide clinical specialization for counselors, ASL interpreters, rehabilitation professionals, and others seeking academic degrees housed within the College of Education. Successful program completers are to be informed, innovative, reflective, globally minded and effective practitioners and professionals who stand apart from others in the professional job market due to the excellence and specialized accreditations held by many programs.

All certification programs are approved by the Alabama State Board of Education. Our professional educator programs are nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), CAEP is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation to accredit programs for the preparation of teachers and other school professionals.

The College of Education is committed to preparing professionals who will be prepared to meet the needs of the next decade. As part of ongoing planning and evaluation, the College of Education regularly evaluates student learning outcomes for each degree program.

Undergraduate Education Program Availability

  Dothan Montgomery Phenix City Troy TROY Online
Non-certification Programs          
Occupational Education Program (BSOE)         X
Interpreter Training          
  • Major (36 hours)
      X X
  • Minor (18 hours)
      X X
  • Major (36 hours)
  • Minor (18 hours)
Rehabilitation and Disability Studies          
  • Major (45 hours)
X   X X  
  • Minor (18 hours)
X   X X  
Certification Programs          
Early Childhood Education (P-3) (123 hours) X     X  
Elementary Education (Grades K-6) (121 hours) X     X  
Collaborative / Special Education Teacher (Grades K-6) (122 hours) X     X  
Collaborative / Special Education Teacher (Grades 6-12) (121 hours) X     X  
Secondary Education (Grades 6-12)          
  • Biology (141 hours)
  • Chemistry (130 hours)
  • Health (124 hours)
  • History (126 hours)
X     X  
  • English/Language Arts (126 hours)
X     X  
  • Comprehensive General Science (124 hours)
  • Mathematics (123 hours)
  • Social Science (126 hours)
X     X  
Interdisciplinary Education (Grades P-12)          
  • Visual Arts (135 hours)
  • Music, Instrumental (127 hours)
  • Music, Choral (127 hours)
  • Physical Education (124 hours)
  • Theatre (132 hours)

Certification Programs

Teacher Certification

Please see the list of certification programs offered at Troy University at the beginning of the College of Education (COE) section. All teacher education certification programs are approved by the Alabama State Department of Education. Students seeking teacher certification should refer to the specific program sections in the catalog for eligibility and program completion requirements. This information can be found on the COE website. Only those students who are properly admitted to an approved teacher certification program and complete all current requirements will be allowed to graduate.

Certification in Alabama

Candidates completing an approved teacher certification program are eligible to apply for the Alabama Class B initial professional certificate, provided they meet all of the following:

  • A minimum grade point average of 2.75 on all undergraduate coursework, a 2.75 in the professional studies coursework, and 2.75 in the teaching field(s) coursework.
  • A grade of C or better in all coursework in professional and teaching field which applies to certification; and
  • Effective September 1, 2018, all teacher candidates seeking initial licensure in the state of Alabama must achieve a passing score, set by the Alabama State Department of Education, on the Teacher Performance Assessment, edTPA.

Any candidate who applies for a professional certificate is subject to all regulations set forth by the Alabama State Department of Education, including a comprehensive background check that shall be completed and cleared prior to observations in P-12 settings. Additional requirements (e.g., standardized examinations to demonstrate content mastery) may be added as the Alabama State Board of Education and other accrediting agencies modify regulations. Implementation of additional requirements may be mandated by the Alabama State Department of Education and could supercede a student’s stated program requirements. Candidates should consult their education adviser for details.

Only candidates properly admitted to an approved certification program and who successfully fulfill all program and certification requirements will be recommended for certification. The Certification Officer, appointed by the dean of the College of Education, is the only Troy University official authorized to recommend candidates for certification in any state.

Fingerprinting Requirement

Effective no later than the beginning of Fall 2008 semester, any candidate applying for admission to a state-approved program shall be required to be fingerprinted for a criminal history background check through the Alabama State Department of Education to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) pursuant to Act 2002-457. Fingerprinting must be completed and cleared prior to conduction of observations in P-12 schools.

Certification in Other States

Other states may grant professional certification to candidates completing the Troy University teacher education program. Some states may have additional requirements. Candidates seeking certification in other states should contact the appropriate State Department of Education.

Only candidates properly admitted to an approved certification program and who successfully fulfill all program and certification requirements will be recommended for certification. The Certification Officer, appointed by the dean of the College of Education, is the only Troy University official authorized to recommend candidates for certification in any state.

Statement of Guarantee for New Educators

Candidates who are recommended by Troy University for Alabama state teacher certification shall be granted remediation at no cost if:

  1. they are employed in their areas of specialization of the awarded certificate;
  2. they receive less than satisfactory performance on the state approved evaluation instrument;
  3. remediation is requested within two years of the valid date of the Professional Educator certificate, which was issued based on recommendation by the unit.

In no case shall the unit be required to provide remediation for more than the first two years of employment.

Exit Examinations

Students are required to successfully complete the required PRAXIS II tests associated with their major and successfully complete internship. Effective August 2018 students seeking certification in Alabama will be required to pass the state adopted performance assessment, edTPA. Contact your content major advisor for details.

Certification Only

Candidates who currently hold valid Alabama professional teacher certification may complete program requirements for recommendation of additional teaching fields. Transcripts and professional experience will be reviewed prior to beginning any coursework to determine eligibility. Candidates must successfully complete all aspects of each program in which certification is sought. Including course requirements, appropriate nationally normed tests, and internship.

Transfer Credit Allowances

At least 25% of the credit hours required for the degree must be earned in residence with Troy University. Transfer credit for professional education courses and teaching area courses which give consideration to pedagogical application is allowable only for courses taken at a regionally accredited institution in a state-approved teacher education/certification program. Other transfer credit is subject to approval.

General Studies Requirements

General studies courses cannot be used to meet requirements for both a major field and general studies. Some education majors have special general studies requirements. Consult your education adviser and the General Studies section of this catalog for details. Required major field courses are listed under the appropriate departmental listing in this catalog.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Admission to Troy University does not qualify a student for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Candidates may only enroll in EDU 3310 , EDU 3305  (or check-sheet approved discipline-specific technology course), EDU 4400  (or check-sheet approved discipline-specific classroom management course), SPE 3340  (or check-sheet approved discipline-specific diverse learners course), and EDU 3303  (or check-sheet approved discipline-specific education psychology/assessment course) prior to meeting all criteria for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Candidates must meet with their teaching field advisor for any restrictions regarding enrollment in teaching field courses prior to admission to TEP. Written application to the Teacher Education Program is required. Additional requirements include the following:

  1. Completion of 48 semester hours or 80% of required General Studies courses including a grade of C or better in the two English composition courses and a grade of C or better in the required general studies mathematics course(s) for the teacher education major.
  2. Early Childhood, Elementary, Collaborative Teacher K-6, and Collaborative Teacher 6-12 candidates must complete both MTH 1110  and MTH 1112  with a grade of C or better to satisfy the math requirement for admission to TEP.
  3. Teacher candidates in the ELE K-6 and Collaborative/SPE K-6 must achieve a minimum passing score on the PRAXIS Multiple test (refer to ALSDE for current PRAXIS Test code) prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program.
  4. A minimum grade point average of 2.75 overall, 2.75 in professional studies, and 2.75 in teaching field(s) is required. Students who fail to meet the required GPA may repeat courses. The university academic policy will be applied in calculating grade point averages. Each cohorts admitted to TEP must have an average cumulative GPA of 3.0.
    • Cohorts admitted to TEP must have an average GPA of 3.0. Meeting minimum GPA requirements does not guarantee TEP admission.
  5. Successful completion of an interview.
  6. Completion of a minimum of 12 clock hours of classroom observation/participation.
  7. Evidence of successful background and fingerprint clearance.
  8. Evidence of current professional liability insurance at one million dollars of coverage.

The Professional Internship Program

The Professional Internship Program is the culminating clinical field-based experience for candidates seeking certification in a teaching field. The Professional Internship Program provides the candidate with the opportunity to conduct classes and assume the role of teacher while receiving supervision from a classroom teacher and a university supervisor. Candidates must attend a pre-internship meeting one year prior to the semester of projected internship. Instructions regarding qualifications and applications should be obtained from the Certification and Field Experience Office and submitted two semesters prior to the semester that the candidate plans to intern.

All candidates completing an initial certification program for teachers must complete a nine-semester-hour internship in the grade level(s) and academic subject(s) of the certification sought.

This is a full-time assignment for a full semester (approximately 600 clock hours) with placement in a regionally accredited school. Interns must enroll in the appropriate three-semester hour internship seminar course during the internship semester.

Prerequisites for internship include the following:

  1. Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).
  2. A GPA of 2.75 overall on all coursework attempted.
  3. A GPA of 2.75 in all professional studies coursework attempted.
  4. A GPA of 2.75 in all teaching field coursework attempted.
  5. Satisfactory disposition reviews.
  6. Completion of all coursework except for Internship Seminar, which is taken in conjunction with internship.
  7. Completion of all professional studies and teaching field courses with a grade of C or better.
  8. Evidence of current First Aid and CPR certifications.
  9. Students are required to successfully complete the required PRAXIS II Subject Assessments (content areas) associated with their major.
  10. Evidence of current professional liability insurance.
  11. Completion of any additional requirements mandated by the Alabama State Department of Education.

Undergraduate internship experiences must occur in the appropriate grade level(s) and subject(s) and are supervised by an approved certified classroom teacher. P-12 faculty shall provide regular and continuing support for interns through such processes as observation, conferencing, group discussion, email and the use of other technologies.



