2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
History Education
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(36 Hours)
Students seeking Alabama teacher certification should consult the College of Education portion of the catalog for major requirements. Students should consult their education advisers concerning all certification requirements and their academic discipline adviser for requirements in the field.
Specialized General Studies Requirements
Select one six-hour sequence:
American/Latin American History Emphasis:
- Select 15 hours of upper-level American/Latin American courses in addition to either HIS 3316 or HIS 4406 .
- Select an additional nine hours of upper-level European/Asian/African courses in addition to HIS 4451 .
European/Asian/African History Emphasis:
- Select 15 hours of upper-level European/Asian/African courses in addition to HIS 4451 .
- Select an additional 9 hours of upper-level American/Latin American courses in addition to either HIS 3316 or HIS 4406 .
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