Mar 14, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
ITP 4452 - Discourse Analysis II 3 Credit Hour(s)
Students will develop a better understanding of the broad methodological areas of discourse analysis and conversation analysis as an approach for understanding signed languages and English, particularly in the context of interpreting. Expands the concepts of discourse analysis as it relates to ASL and interpreted interactions. Transcriptions and analysis of ASL and interpreted discourse and texts will be the focus with the implications to interpreters. Emphasis will be on analyzing messages and metamessages within multicultural settings and understanding the biases and filters interpreters often bring to the interpreted task with assumptions made about the meaning of a text based on the interpreter’s own experiences. The overarching goal will be to ensure interpreters are able to analyze a text to understand the conversational signals and devices used are interpreted accurately and effectively across the interpreted boundary from the source message to the target message. Prerequisite(s): Sign Language Proficiency Interview rating of Intermediate Plus, and ASL 2242 , EDU 2200, EDU 3351 and EDU 3366 with a grade of C or better, or permission of ITP Academic Advisor.