Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

M.S.Ed.: Interdisciplinary Education - Grades P-12 Certification/Alternative Fifth-Year Program Degree Plan/Progress Record

45 Semester-Hour Program

Degree Requirements:

1.  Official transcript(s) 5.  Completion of research requirement with a “B” or better
2.  Unconditional Admission 6.  All credit earned within 8 years of graduation
3.  45 semester hours of credit 7.  Overall GPA of 3.0 or better. GPA of 3.25 required effective July 1, 2017
4.  No more than two grades below “B” 8.  Graduation Application filed

Prerequisite Undergraduate Courses

Prerequisite courses as determined by individual admission evaluation
32 semester hours in Teaching field with 19 of those hours in upper-division courses

Teaching Field: (15 sh)

Select One of the following teaching fields:

  • Art*
  • Instrument Music**
  • Choral Music**
  • Physical Education

Select 15 SH of adviser approved courses in the specific teaching field. At least 8 SH must be at the 6000 level. Candidates may not enroll in any 5000 level course if it duplicates the same course listed on an undergraduate transcript.

*Students in art education must select ART 6662-Seminar in Art Education as a teaching field course.
**Students in music education must select MUS 6696-Practicum and MUS 6638 Music Literature

Items to be Discussed:

  1. One term limit to have transcript(s) and test score on file.
  2. Temporary, Conditional, and Unconditional Admission
  3. Available faculty for academic advisement
  4. Petition for transfer credit once unconditionally admitted
  5. Class Attendance
  6. Drop & Withdrawal procedure, deadline and consequences
  7. Petition for an incomplete grade
  8. Student participation in course and program evaluation
  9. Prerequisites
  10. Admission to the Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP)
  11. Internship
  12. Required examinations for certification
  13. Application for teacher certification
  14. Degree Requirements
  15. Other

Admission Status:

Test Scores    
Praxis II