Feb 12, 2025
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog
M.S.Ed.: Interdisciplinary Education - Grades P-12 Certification/Alternative Fifth-Year Program Degree Plan/Progress Record
45 Semester-Hour Program
Degree Requirements:
1. Official transcript(s) | 5. Completion of research requirement with a “B” or better | 2. Unconditional Admission | 6. All credit earned within 8 years of graduation | 3. 45 semester hours of credit | 7. Overall GPA of 3.0 or better. GPA of 3.25 required effective July 1, 2017 | 4. No more than two grades below “B” | 8. Graduation Application filed | Prerequisite Undergraduate Courses
Prerequisite courses as determined by individual admission evaluation 32 semester hours in Teaching field with 19 of those hours in upper-division courses Required Core Courses: (21 sh)
Teaching Field: (15 sh)
Select One of the following teaching fields: - Art*
- Instrument Music**
- Choral Music**
- Physical Education
Select 15 SH of adviser approved courses in the specific teaching field. At least 8 SH must be at the 6000 level. Candidates may not enroll in any 5000 level course if it duplicates the same course listed on an undergraduate transcript. *Students in art education must select ART 6662-Seminar in Art Education as a teaching field course. **Students in music education must select MUS 6696-Practicum and MUS 6638 Music Literature Internship & Internship Seminar: (9 sh)
Items to be Discussed:
- One term limit to have transcript(s) and test score on file.
- Temporary, Conditional, and Unconditional Admission
- Available faculty for academic advisement
- Petition for transfer credit once unconditionally admitted
- Class Attendance
- Drop & Withdrawal procedure, deadline and consequences
- Petition for an incomplete grade
- Student participation in course and program evaluation
- Prerequisites
- Admission to the Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP)
- Internship
- Required examinations for certification
- Application for teacher certification
- Degree Requirements
- Other
Admission Status:
ADMISSION STATUS: | DATE | INITIALS | Conditional | | | Unconditional | | | Residency | | | Test Scores | | | | TEST CODE | SCORE | Praxis II | | | |