Mar 29, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

M.S.Ed.: Instructional Leadership and Administration Certification/Traditional Program Degree Plan/Progress Record

30 Semester-Hour Program

Degree Requirements:

1. Official transcript(s) 6.  Completion of research/assessment requirement with a “B” or better      
2.  Unconditional Admission 7.  All credits earned within 8 years of graduation                  
3.  30 semester hours of credit 8.  Successful completion of PRAXIS
4.  No more than two grades below “B” 9.  Graduation Application filed
5.  Overall GPA of 3.0 or better. GPA of 3.25 required effective July 1, 2017.  

Certification Verification:

List all professional educator certificates held and attach a copy of each to this degree plan. An applicant for certification in Instructional Leadership who holds Class A certification in another teaching field or area of instructional support must take all courses indicated below that were not required for certification in another program at the Class A level.

Certificate Type/Class Discipline Hrs Grade Level Valid Period Issusing Date

Additional Certification Requirements:

If needed*

Items to be Discussed:

  1. Admission to Graduate Teacher Education Program (GTEP)
  2. Unconditional Admission
  3. Class Attendance
  4. Available faculty for academic advisement
  5. Drop & Withdrawal procedure, deadline and consequences
  6. Petition for an incomplete grade
  7. Student participation in course and program evaluation
  8. Mid-point Assessment
  9. Prerequisites
  10. Required examinations for certification (i.e. PRAXIS for Alabama
  11. Application for teacher certification
  12. Degree Requirements
  13. Other
    1. 10-Day Residency
    2. Program Portfolio
    3. Practicum Experience
    4. Mentor Meetings